Why Choose a 1.5 Carat Princess Cut Diamond Engagement Ring?

Why Choose a 1.5 Carat Princess Cut Diamond Engagement Ring?

Are you looking for a solitaire diamond ring within a budget and yet one that is treasured and valuable? If a 2 carat diamond ring is beyond your set budget, choosing a diamond weighing in between could be a viable option. Often with diamond ring purchase, once you are settled with the carat weight, the next thing to consider should be the shape of the gem.

The princess cut is categorized as a modified brilliant cut. Diamonds with princess cut comes in two shapes, either rectangular or square. Princess cut diamonds are sought after for their modern look. If you are looking for a diamond engagement ring, the princess cut gem is one of the popular options you have.

What’s more, if you choose a 1.5 carat princess cut diamond ring the carat weight is apt for the diamond composition, since the gem cut for optimum brilliance is better viewed when it is relatively larger. A 1.5 ct princess cut diamond ring is large enough to entice second looks but not as pricey as subsequent carat points. A 1.5 carat diamond is not inexpensive, but at the same time, it will not break the bank. Aside from that, you would have to look into the clarity and color of the diamond to make the most of a purchase.

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