What Makes Brilliant Diamond Cut So Popular

What Makes Brilliant Diamond Cut So Popular

The term ‘diamond cut’ actually refers to the shape, arrangement of facets, and the number of facets in a diamond. So, if you concentrate on the facets and shape of a ring, then you will be easily able to recognize the cut.

One of the most popular diamond ring cut is the brilliant cut. As the name indicates, diamond jewelry manufacturers use the cut in order to boost the brilliance of the stone. This is the reason why the facets in brilliant cut diamond rings are arranged in such a way that it maximizes the light reflected. The princess diamond cut and the round diamond cut are just a few examples of the brilliant cut.

The flaws and inclusions in most of the brilliant cut diamond engagement rings are well hidden, thanks to the exceptional quality of the diamond cut. However, this make the cost of brilliant cut diamond engagement rings go a bit high when compared to other diamond cuts and shapes.

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