What Does Diamond Accent Ring Mean?

What Does Diamond Accent Ring Mean?

To put it simply, diamond accents are small stones having a simple cut often used as side decoration for encircling the centerpiece of a ring to increase the ring’s overall brilliance.

Diamond accents are typically round, triangular, or rectangular in shape. Regardless of the shape, these accents are not cut with the original number of facets as that done for the diamond that is used as the center stone. Instead, less number of cuts is provided because they are small and less visible. For example, a round-cut that actually has 58 facets, will have only 16 to 18 facets when used as a diamond accent.

While buying a ring with diamond accents, you need to ask your jeweler about the quality of the accents too. Usually, jewelers do not talk much about the accent quality unless you ask them to. Furthermore, if the accents have big size, look them through a loupe to ensure there are not any visible inclusions in it. Yet another point you should note is to buy accents that have a uniform color because you definitely do not want some stones to look yellowish and some colorless.

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