Two Alternatives to Round Diamond Cut Engagement Rings

Two Alternatives to Round Diamond Cut Engagement Rings

Approximately 70 percent of diamond engagement rings sold all over the world are round cut diamond rings.

However, over the last few years, we were able to see that several famous Hollywood celebrities and brides have started to choose alternative diamond ring shapes. Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Garner, and Lady Gaga are only a few celebrities who opted for round cut diamond ring alternatives.

Emerald cut diamond rings are one of the best alternatives to round cut diamond rings. These rings exude class and royalty due to their vintage feel and elongated shape. Moreover, they are also capable of accentuation long and graceful fingers. Customers should also note that emerald cut diamond rings will appear bigger on the fingers of your bride, and they are very affordable.


Customers who are in search of a close variation to the traditional round diamond should settle for an oval shape diamond engagement ring. One of the best things about oval cut diamond rings is that they display a smaller number of flaws and inclusions when compared to emerald cut diamond engagement rings.

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