Some Less Known Facts about Emerald Gemstones

Some Less Known Facts about Emerald Gemstones

It was known to have traded back in the 4000 BC in Babylon, while the Incas community even worshipped emerald gems. On the other hand, Alexander the Great and Aristotle wore them as talisman objects. Below are two reasons why they are so fascinating.


  • Emerald is the gemstone of love and loyalty. Ancient people used the emerald gems to help heal their hearts because the gemstone was associated with Venus, the goddess of love as well as beauty. It is known to make sure domestic bliss as well as contentment in the life of the wearer. No wonder, an emerald diamond ring is also a traditional gift choice for those who are celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary.
  • Aristotle had prescribed emerald gemstones for the eyes. They are thought to cure eye maladies by some cultures. It was even prescribed that the emerald should be kept overnight in a container filled with water. The subsequent morning, it was to be poured over the eyes to help heal issues related to it. Aristotle also suggested wearing them as amulets and talismans to avoid epilepsy.
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