Misconceptions Regarding Fluorescence of Diamonds

Misconceptions Regarding Fluorescence of Diamonds

There are several misconceptions among people regarding fluorescence. Below are a few facts about the fluorescence of diamonds.




The most commonly misunderstood factor regarding diamond fluorescence is color. A diamond will appear brighter if it has a property of blue fluorescence. For instance, blue diamond engagement rings for women will appear brighter with fluorescence. However, you should not panic in this case. The fact is that diamonds are recommended even if they are in the color range of H to J. Remember that even the diamonds in the range D to E will also possess the attribute of blue fluorescence. Thus, they are safe to use and will not look outlandish.

Secondly, the commonly misunderstood fact about fluorescence is strength. The scale of fluorescence ranges from none to very strong. On some occasions, diamonds with a strong fluorescence grade appear milky even under normal lighting conditions. Under strong fluorescence, you might rarely view the diamond as cloudy or dirty. Therefore, remember to cross-check with your diamond dealer about the fluorescence before you make the purchase.

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