Emerald Cut vs. Baguette Cut Diamonds

Emerald Cut vs. Baguette Cut Diamonds

There are both step-cut stones, with facets that appear like steps rather than triangles.




Diamonds with emerald shapes differ from narrow rectangles to almost square. On the other hand, the baguette-cut gems have a similar step cut shape that veers to a little more elongated rectangle. These diamond cuts have a bold and dramatic silhouette, which elevates diamond engagement rings from mundane sparkle to remarkable uniqueness.

In fact, a diamond ring emerald cut is cherished not just for its sparkle but also for its luster. Producing a hallo of mirror effect, it makes a stunning interplay of light and dark planes. While it has comparatively less fire, an emerald cut diamond’s striking flash of light, as well as a long line, give it a chic and elegant appeal.

At the same time, a baguette cut gemstone is loved for its luster, not for brilliance or sparkle. They are relatively less expensive than emerald cut diamonds with the same carat weight and other factors being the same. However, the emerald shaped gems are more popular and readily available in the stores. They enjoy a classic tradition among diamond connoisseurs and in the industry.

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