The Basics of a Diamond Ring Effect

The Basics of a Diamond Ring Effect

The Diamond Moon Ring phenomenon can be rather tricky to understand for a person who is not into science or celestial things. As the sun vanishes behind the Moon during an eclipse, the photosphere of it keeps shining past uneven points of the surface of the Moon. This is what results in spots of light around the edge of the Moon, called Baily’s Beads because it resembles luminous beads’ string.

The Diamond Ring Effect is visible soon before or soon after a total Solar Eclipse. To be more precise, the Baily’s Beads phenomenon happens when the sun is just about fully covered. It resembles a large diamond ring up there in the sky, an illusion of some kind and one that happens very occasionally.

If you are into such kinds of galactic things, then below are a few more interesting facts about an eclipse.

  • It happens when an object passes into another object’s shadow, either blocking or darkening it.
  • Its totality can last up to a few minutes.
  • Anybody on the Earth, who is facing the Moon, can actually see a lunar eclipse when it happens, but only a section of the world can see the Solar Eclipse.
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