Meaningful Diamond Celtic Ring Designs

Meaningful Diamond Celtic Ring Designs

They are often used to symbolize commitment and love between two people. Irish diamond rings happen to be some of the most beloved and respected among these.



Most Irish jewelry of today carries unique designs that are reminiscent of a bygone Celtic period. Additionally, each Celtic design tends to be different from the others and to carry its own symbolism and meaning. Some of the popular diamond Celtic ring designs include the Claddagh and the Celtic knot.

Claddagh ring designs feature a crowned heart held in place by means of a pair of hands. The meaning of this design is usually something along the lines of, ‘let love and friendship reign’. What better phrase to define the beginning of a life-long friendship and everlasting love with your better half?

Diamond Celtic ring designs with knots are generally simple, but very meaningful. Normally, Celtic knots stand for the relationship between infinity and balance. The knot itself reflects this meaning since it lacks a specific beginning or end.

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