How Art Deco Evolved and Transformed All Things Jewelry
It was conceived during the 1920s, an era called the Machine Age for its technological and industrial processes. Jewelry designers took cues from Art Deco’s geometric patterns, as well as highly-graphic and stylized designs. These were not strictly applicable to only Art Deco diamond ring designs, however.
Back in the day, widespread travel and also an increasing interest in other cultures largely influenced Art Deco jewelry pieces. Several Art Deco designs have striking symbols, patterns, and colors, derived from a melting pot of ancient and contemporary civilizations. Owing to this exotic backdrop, colors that were central to Art Deco are bright and primary – seeing several Art Deco engagement rings with ruby, emerald, and enamel finishes.
Revolutionary developments in gemstone cutting contributed to the renowned interest in Art Deco designs. Gemstones were cailbré cut, a process which made diamonds and colored gems shaped unusually, like triangles, rectangles, and squares, so as to perfectly fit next to others in a ring setting. One ring owned by Scarlet Johansson is emblematic of this style, with accent diamonds calibrated expertly to fit into a rectangular setting.